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singer - songwriter - author - actor

Jul 5, 2020
NJ STAGE – ISSUE 72: Zara Phillips
“Meditation & KitKats did you see the cover? I was thinking to myself if somebody had asked me about all the songs my response would be, the

Jul 5, 2020
Folk radio UK – Zara Phillips: Meditation and KitKats
Zara Phillips has been quietly developing a music career for more than thirty years now, alongside pursuing many other creative and artistic

May 7, 2020
Zara Phillips New Song “Perfect Strangers” Details Her Incredible Adoption Journey
Zara Philips has quite the backstory. Born in the UK, adopted, moved to the US, continually searching for her Italian birth father only to

May 2, 2020
Adoptee author/advocate Zara Phillips returns to music with ‘Meditation & KitKats’
True, the title and cover of singer-songwriter/author Zara Phillips’ latest album Meditation & KitKats is funny indeed, what with her

Apr 30, 2020
È una famiglia musicale sempre più allargata, quella che circonda il luminare del folk rock britannico Richard Thompson.

Jun 15, 2018
Zara Phillips’s Life – Two Different Fathers
All I wanted was a father’s love: Growing up, Zara Phillips’s life was dominated by her two fathers: the adoptive one who never spoke to her
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